Hey, there.

Welcome to the magical realm, wanderers of the world.
Fate has brought you here for a reason, may our meeting result in gentle guidance to help you.

"Things aren't always as they appear to be, especially in our fast-paced world where we're constantly being pulled in every direction all at once."


read as Arcana (ärˈkān), the mystery

Let's discover the mystery of your life, shall we?

  • Capricorn, 21+

  • Tarot & Oracle Reader

  • Timezone: GMT +7

Art by @mukanjyoo_

Terms of Service

  1. Tarot readings are best used to assist in decision-making considerations; Arcxna only helps as a messenger through cards, energy, and directions from the Universe.

  2. Arcxna does not perform readings that concern:

  • Health / Disease Diagnosis / Alive / Death

  • Idols / Politics / Issues / SARA

  • Gods / Goddesses / Dark Arts / Curses / Witchcraft

  • Place & Time Specifications

  1. Once the order is placed, the client understands and agrees to all applicable terms & conditions.

  2. Payment is made in full before booking the schedule and is non-refundable.

  3. First pay = first serve.

  4. Accepts payments through all e-wallets, banks & PayPal. (Kindly ask for Local Price, Indonesian only)

  5. The reading results will be sent as bubble chat/interactive.

  6. The client's identity and all consultation results are confidential.

  7. Arcana has the right to refuse to do a reading for specific reasons.

Know Your Sessions

Arcxna opens reading interactively & semi-interactively. Please read the difference between two sessions before you choose.

Interactive Session
Interactive sessions are conducted with schedule selection & approval.
The session will be carried out via Live Chat/Call.
Indonesian/English available.
Non-Interactive Session
Non-interactive sessions are carried out by filling out forms, schedule selection, & approval.
The results of the reading will be sent within 1-3 days.
After receiving the reading results, you are given 60 minutes to discuss with Arcxna.
Indonesian/English available.


3-Spread Reading
Questions are answered briefly, and the price for one question is. It is calculated per question.We are not accepting romance questions here.

5-Spread Reading
Questions are answered in detail, with the price for one question calculated per question. We are not accepting romance questions here.

Tactical Reading
It helps give direction to what you want to choose in a matter. Options that can be submitted are a maximum of 3 choices. Examples of questions can be about academics, careers, etc. We are not accepting romance questions here.
Example Questions:
1. Office option A, office B option, office option c?
2. Go now or next month?
3. Survive or go?

Custom Spread Reading
For reading that is not on the list, you can custom specifically with a minimum base price.

Inner Child
Getting news from the Inner Child, the side of our little children who always hide, to discover how our conditions sometimes bring trauma from the environment and what requests inner children want to make.

Persona Self
Getting to know your personnel who people know, the figure who is a mask that protects you from all forms of wounds, fear, and trauma. The purpose of this reading is to make you know the figure that has been your defense and allow you to separate between yourself and this persona.

Higher Self
Get to know the best version of you who have been waiting for you in the future. The Higher Self is a figure who is very familiar with you and will guide you to be your best.

What do You Need?
Confirmation of what you feel towards your suddenly tired body, your unstable emotional, chaotic, even unbalanced spiritual mentality? This reading is used to read your current situation in some parts, namely your mind, emotional, mental and spiritual need.

Heal the Emotion
Emotions that have piled up and must be released immediately. Know the root of emotional problems or void that you feel. Recognizing what happens to your feelings is a form so you can heal yourself.

Self Check-up
We are sometimes forgotten that we deserve to be loved. This reading contains the good things that exist in you. Remind yourself how valuable you are to the truth so that you will realize that you are a person who deserves to be loved for these reasons. There are suggestions for what things you can do for yourself.

Fix Your Gravity
Recognize self-limits and recognize things that must be released to get peace in yourself, along with suggestions for better self-limits.

The Past Memories
Discuss a summary of your figures in the past, not just inner child, but also facing your Younger Self, who might also have a message to heal you today.

The Past Memories
Discuss a summary of your figures in the past, not just inner child, but also facing your Younger Self, who might also have a message to heal you today.

Father/Mother Wound
(Choose one: Mother or father) Sometimes, we, consciously or not, know very well that parents are the primary sources of all forms of wounds in themselves. Know your wounds, how to see them differently, and how to heal yourself.
Bad Feeling
Listen to the intuition about bad feelings that suddenly appear in your heart. Find sources from bad feelings, their origin, and how to overcome them.

Why Am I Annoyed With This Person?
"Why is this person so frustrating?"
Recognize why you become annoyed with someone objectively. What is the meaning of the arrival of this person in your life? Will it help your development?

WTF Is Going On?
Depiction of the problems/drama that you face, what is the real reality and bias that occurs so that it becomes a drama and how to overcome them

Why Am I Toxic?
Your energy feels negative? Know what negative things you have and their side effects, how to overcome them, and communicate it with others.

Putting Myself First
For those of you who feel that other people have the right to get something than you and prioritize others. You often ignore your own needs, and are too selfless to forget that you need your own attention.

Fighting with a Friend
What causes your fight with your friends and what are the best steps to be completed together? What you have to accept and what boundaries are good to have in the future.

Cut the Drama
There are your friends who are bad about you, recognize how you are affected, recovered, and effect and know how to complete this drama.

The Drama Royale
There are people who are very stubborn, it is difficult to take a hint if they are disturbing your personal space. Know what is actually in their head, and what dilemma that always makes it difficult for them to stay away from you, as well as one advice so you can at least reduce the drama with them.

Make the Boundaries
What kind of boundaries you have to make so you can learn to respect the limits of yourself and others. There is nothing wrong to learn to be a better person, right?
Looking for Love
What are the steps I can take to meet the right person, and how can I avoid the wrong ones? Know what steps you have to take to meet him/her and what is suggested, as well as the type you should avoid so you can meet with him/her.

Readiness for Love
Recognize what you want from a relationship and what have you learned from the previous relationship? What is holding back you to welcome your love and know your current condition.

Future Spouse
What is my soulmate like? What are the people's responses about him/her? How is the current situation? Recognize the soulmate in the future and the condition of him/her.

Love Compatibility
What do you really feel towards him/her? What does s/he feel about your relationship? Is it better to continue/not?

Are They the One?
Know your reaction when you meet him/her, your compatibility, what you really feel about him/her.

Break Up Reasons
What is the real reason s/he asked you to break up? Find the overview about the reasons why you should end the relationship.

Moving On
Why hasn't you moved on until now? What do you really feel and you have to let it go? Why aren't you willing to let go of it?

Please, Leave Them
Know the true conditions of your relationship, treatment and feelings for you and how this has influenced you

Am I Being Ghosted?
Does s/he like to be missing in action? What really happened in your relationship? Know what you have to do and understand and possibly in the future
Job/Career Search
What exactly Secret Weapon you have? Skill or Job/Career Path What can you take? Get the advice needed for the future

Dream Job/Goals
Know your development of your goals, how far do you have development with your goals? How to get to that goal? What quality can support you to achieve your goals?

Facing Challenge/Obstacle
You're doing something but it never seems to be finished, how to solve this problem? What do you want and what holds you back? Why aren't you productive? What can make you achieve this goal?

Detox From Job/Academic
"Ah, all this is tiring, I can't do it anymore" - This feeling you get when at work/school/university, how good is it for coping and how to get out of this situation? Get advice to get out of this condition

New Beginning
You are preparing to face new things, about what you can look forward to? Know the risks and reasons why you choose this path

Career Shift
Know the current conditions and your career overview when you move, learn what to be released and how to get the next career

Business/Career/Academic Strategy
Find the right strategy for the things you are focusing on, be it business or academic, know the things you need to focus on and prepare plans well
New Year Spread
The new year has arrived! What can you look forward to? What do you have to prepare to face the future? Find how to achieve your new goal and resolution!

Mid-Year Check In
It does not feel the middle of the year has arrived, find the main theme of the middle of the year, know the development of the things you have tried and how to make it happen until the end of the year, get suggestions to achieve that goal

Happy birthday to those of you who are celebrated by the universe, let's celebrate your birthday and know the other various sides of your life, what you learn, the theme this year, relationship, work, health, and your spiritual!


Interactive Session (By Chat)
* 30 mins — IDR 75,000
* 1 hour — IDR 150,000
Interactive Session (By Call)
* 30 mins — IDR 125,000
* 1 hour — USD 250,000

general theme.

Menu TitlePricelist
3-Spread ReadingIDR 30,000 / pertanyaan
5-Spread ReadingIDR 50,000 / pertanyaan
Tactical ReadingIDR 50,000 / pertanyaan
Custom ReadingIDR 50,000 (base price)
Inner ChildIDR 75,000
Persona SelfIDR 75,000
Higher SelfIDR 75,000
What do you Need?IDR 100,000
Heal the EmotionIDR 100,000
Self Check-upIDR 100,000
Fix Your GravityIDR 100,000
The Past MemoriesIDR 100,000
Father WoundIDR 100,000
Mother WoundIDR 100,000

social relations.

Menu TitlePricelist
Bad FeelingIDR 75,000
Why Am I Annoyed with this Person?IDR 75,000
WTF Is Going On?IDR 75,000
Why Am I Toxic?IDR 100,000
Putting Myself FirstIDR 100,000
Fighting with a FriendIDR 100,000
Cut the DramaIDR 100,000
The Drama RoyaleIDR 100,000
Make the BoundariesIDR 100,000

romance theme.

Menu TitlePricelist
Looking for LoveIDR 75,000
Readiness of LoveIDR 75,000
Future SpouseIDR 75,000
Love CompatibilityIDR 100,000
Are They the One?IDR 100,000
Break Up ReasonsIDR 100,000
Moving OnIDR 100,000
Please, Leave ThemIDR 100,000
Am I Being Ghosted?IDR 100,000


Menu TitlePricelist
Job/Career SearchIDR 75,000
Dream Job/GoalsIDR 75,000
Facing Challenge/ObstacleIDR 75,000
Detox from Job/AcademicIDR 100,000
New BeginningIDR 100,000
Career ShiftIDR 100,000
Business/Career/Academic StrategyIDR 100,000


Menu TitlePricelist
New Year SpreadIDR 100,000
Mid-Year Check InIDR 100,000
BirthdayIDR 100,000